The importance of Estate Administration
As an Executor, managing Estate Administration can be time consuming and complex. It's important you understand your obligations.
Estate Planning
Estate planning involves identifying your assets, including any superannuation and insurance, identifying any potential risks that need to be accommodated for, and working with your lawyer to create or update a flexible plan tailored to your circumstances.
Duffy Elliott Legal have expertise in creating legal Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship documents, including setting up testamentary trusts.
Our firm boasts an understanding of rural issues that may affect your estate planning, and can advise you in relation to making appropriate arrangements for your farming enterprise.
Taking the time to make an effective and legally binding Will can save your family any stress, heartache and expense involved in the event of your passing, and minimise the chance that your Will is contested and subjected to litigation.
Duffy Elliott Legal have an in-house strong room capable of storing all your original legal documents for safe-keeping.
Estate Administration
In the unfortunate event of the death of a loved one, our dedicated estates team will work tirelessly with the Executor or Administrator of the estate to ensure that the estate is administered in accordance with their last wishes.
Estate administration can be a surprisingly complex matter. We will be able to advise and assist in the following:
- providing the Executor/Administrator with advice to understand their rights and obligations;
- obtaining a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration (where there is no Will) from the Supreme Court;
- obtaining a Grant of Reseal when a Grant has already been obtained in another State or Territory;
- creation of an estate Trust Account to receive and pay any transactions on behalf of the deceased person;
- preparing any documentation required to obtain consents or indemnities from beneficiaries;
- transferring real estate to the appropriate beneficiaries;
- paying legacies from an estate Trust Account;
- realising and releasing all assets in accordance with the Will.
Our estates team will keep you informed as to all progress, minimise any delays as best we can, and take away the burden of any administrative complexities from the grieving family.
We have experience in bringing and defending family provision claims, and as such are able to provide an objective viewpoint as to your rights and the prospects of success.